NYCC 2014

2014 ALLIE iphone OCT NYCC silverman 053So this post is only a few months late so there won’t be any ‘breaking news’ just a few recollections…A few weeks before NYCC, I bought a Secret Wars t-shirt unaware that Marvel would be announcing a comeback of the brand. Can’t wait to see the Beyonder!? Spent much of two days at the show which is nearing SDCC in its magnitude. This was my third time at NYCC and second year in a row. It is massive compared to the first time I was there. Spent our first day with my brother, Sean, and Earth-2 Mike. Made sure to visit Franco & Baltazar and also got to meet Cliff Chiang. On the second day got to see the Con ‘thru Shira’s eyes’ and had some fun with Jon interviewing Hacksaw Duggan, DMC, and several Ghostbusters. I picked up some prints and had too much fun digging thru the long boxes of comics to complete collections. I’m already working on my list for next year.

Cosplay Day One

Cosplay Day Two

Cosplay Day Three

Cosplay Day Four

2014 ALLIE iphone OCT NYCC silverman 023

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